How to Ask Your LinkedIn Connections for Help

  • Employee
  • Published on August 30, 2022

When reaching out to someone on LinkedIn for introductions or job opportunities, it's essential to make the process as effortless as possible for the other person. Ensuring clarity and minimizing the workload on their end increases the likelihood of a positive response. Here are some key tips to streamline your networking requests:

1. Avoid Vague Asks and Minimize Back-and-Forth:

  • Steer clear of requests that lack specifics, such as asking to be introduced to "someone" at a company. Provide clear details about your needs to reduce the need for follow-up questions, making it more convenient for the other person.

2. Be Explicit and Specific:

  • Before reaching out, define your goals and what the other person can do to assist you. Avoid making them think or decide; the more explicit and comprehensive your request, the easier it is for them to help.

3. Include Relevant Links:

  • When referring to specific people, companies, articles, or job postings, include links to ensure easy access for the other person. This eliminates the need for them to search independently and minimizes potential frustration.

How to Ask for an Introduction:

  • When requesting an introduction, provide a clear reason and draft an introductory message. Make it easy for the person making the introduction by supplying the message you'd like to pass along. For example:

"Hey Kevin,

Could you please introduce me to John Doe (include link to profile) at XYZ Company (include link to website or LinkedIn Company Page)? I'm interested in (state your reason) and was hoping you could introduce us. Could you please pass the following message on to John Doe for me?

[Include the message you'd like to send to John Doe]"

How to Seek Help with Your Job Search:

  • Create a concise summary of your career, goals, and preferences. This "Summary" should provide a snapshot of who you are and what you're looking for in your next role and employer. Answer questions like:
  • Summarize your career in two sentences.
  • Describe your ideal role.
  • Outline your preferred employer's characteristics.
  • Include relevant skills or achievements.

Armed with this summary, reach out to your connections, making it easy for them to help by offering a clear understanding of your objectives. Here's an example:


I'd like to share a brief summary of my career:

  • I have extensive experience in [your field].
  • I'm seeking a role in [job function] within an organization that values [key attributes].

If you come across any opportunities or connections that align with this description, I'd appreciate your support in making the right connections."

By providing comprehensive information upfront, you facilitate the networking process and increase the likelihood of a positive response. Remember, people are eager to assist, but creating convenience for them makes the process smoother and more enjoyable for everyone involved. Best of luck with your networking endeavors!