Building Strong Relationships Between Managers and Production Employees

  • Employer
  • Published on November 15, 2022

In the dynamic world of manufacturing, every production and warehouse manager faces a unique set of challenges. However, one universal truth remains: a production environment where mutual respect, shared goals, and clear expectations exist between managers and employees is far superior to any alternative. In this article, I aim to explore best practices that can foster strong relationships between production employees and their managers, ultimately benefiting both parties and the organization as a whole.

Fostering Stronger Connections

In large production environments with unskilled and low-skilled employees, it's essential not to underestimate the potential of each team member. Treating every new employee as a valuable asset from day one can significantly impact their engagement and productivity. Here are some effective practices for managers and supervisors to build better relationships with their team members, starting from day one:

1. Show Immediate Respect:

  • Begin by extending a warm welcome. Shake their hand, introduce yourself, and learn their name. Make sure they know your role and how you're involved in their daily activities. Introduce them to key colleagues to foster a sense of belonging.

2. Set Clear Expectations:

  • Ensure new employees understand their responsibilities and what's expected of them. Avoid situations where they're left idle due to lack of guidance.

3. Believe in Their Potential:

  • Provide thorough training and patience. Allow employees time to learn from their mistakes, demonstrating your commitment to their success.

4. Understand Personal Situations:

  • Recognize that employees have diverse personal commitments. Distinguish between those genuinely needing time off for important matters, such as childcare or immigration paperwork, and those who lack motivation.

5. Acknowledge and Appreciate:

  • Regularly provide feedback and appreciation, regardless of the task's magnitude. Simple expressions of gratitude go a long way in making employees feel valued.

6. Share Company Goals:

  • Keep your team informed about the company's vision, goals, and plans. Engaged employees who understand the bigger picture are more likely to contribute meaningfully.

7. Reward and Recognize:

  • Reward employees for their hard work with pay increases, bonuses, promotions, new challenges, and public recognition.

8. Promote a Positive Work Environment:

  • Encourage positive interactions and camaraderie among employees through company events and team-building activities outside of work.

9. Form Smaller Teams for Stronger Bonds:

  • In large workforces, consider creating smaller groups with designated leaders to foster closer connections. These strong bonds reflect your commitment to a collaborative and supportive work culture.

It's true that not every manager may initially see their production floor as a place where mutual respect and strong relationships can thrive. However, with determination, patience, and well-defined strategies, these goals are entirely achievable. Implementing these ideas, though not without effort and commitment, can lead to a more positive and productive production environment that benefits everyone involved.

While it's easy to outline these practices in an article, the real impact comes from consistent and long-term commitment from the entire management team. By taking these steps, a manufacturing company can cultivate an environment that fosters mutual respect and strong relationships, leading to positive changes that benefit all stakeholders.